WMI is happy to participate in the MonTech Erasmus+ project!


We are happy and proud to announce our participation in the project:

Blended Montessori – Creative Technologies approach for Successful Inclusion in Multicultural Schools

The project is funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union, initiated by the call “Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training”. Within this call, the European Commission received a total of 137 proposals from abroad and only 44 were selected to be funded and developed. The MonTech project was among these 44, and the project has launched in 2021.

Sarah, Nicole and Aleksandra participated in the kick-off meeting of the project on the 16th and 17th of February 2021. The project will be developed and implemented over the next three years. 

MonTech project is coordinated by the research group “UdiGitalEdu: Creative Learning, STEAM and Social change” of the University of Girona. There are eight partners in the project, from six different countries: Spain, Ireland, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania. Waterpark Montessori together with the Montessori Palau Research and Training Center will participate as Montessori experts.

The overall objective of the project is to develop creative technological activities according to the principles of the Montessori pedagogy. The main target groups are children with refugee, migrant or minority background studying in elementary schools in Europe, as well as the teachers who teach in the multicultural schools where these children attend.

“This then is our task, to gather the highest discoveries that have been made in the sciences, to render them clear and fascinating, and offer them to childhood.” 

(Montessori, M., Creative Development in the Child, 1998) 


Article Source:-  https://waterparkmontessori.com/wmi-is-happy-to-participate-in-the-montech-erasmus-project/